CVNG4050/5050 Advanced Structural Analysis Mid-Term Exam
Q1. The element shown in the figure has two sections, which have different I and length, but same E. Develop the stiffness matrix (4x4) of the element in terms of the D.O.F's of nodes i and j only. Ignore axial deformation; therefore, consider only vertical deformation (v) and rotation (θ) at each node.

Q2. Analyze the following beam as shown in the figure using the element developed in question 1. Calculate the reactions and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. E= 25,000 MPa and I = 10x108mm4.

Q3. Calculate the displacements, reactions, and draw the bending moment diagram for the following system. E = 200,000 MPa. I = 100x106 mm4.

4. Calculate the displacements, reactions and internal forces for the system shown. For the beams E = 200,000 MPa, I = 500x106 mm4, and A = 12x103 mm2. For the truss members A = 8x103 mm2.

Textbook - Matrix Structural Analysis Second Edition by William McGuire, Richard H. Gallagher and Ronald D. Ziemian.