
Calculate the descriptive statistics of the datafor years

Assignment: Numerical Methods


1.For allquestions in SECTION AONLY, use the data contained in the file‘data A - 201701 coursework - All staff UK Higher Institution', which gives information on the academic staff in United Kingdom Higher Education providers by academic contract marker, activity standard occupational classification, mode of employment and sex 2013/14 to 2015/16.

It is important to highlight the two data, the procedures for analysing this data, and the representation of data in table and graphic form are essential to the process of identifying actions and initiatives for the academic staff.

Attempt all questions. This coursework constitutes 40% of total mark of the course

1i). Group the data for each year 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 into an appropriate frequency distribution. You will need to calculate the percentage change among the years. Present this data in table form and then produce line graphs/charts to show the data for eachof full time, part-time academic staff and total figure. You may use the same type of graphs/charts for the years. Ensure that each method is fully labelled.

1ii).Comment on the methods and the results you have used in question i.

1iii).Calculate the descriptive statistics of the datafor the years 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16. Discuss the result and dispersion you would choose to best represent the data.

1iv). Highlight the key points for the non-academic staff in the data for the years.

Youshouldwritenomorethan 650words in total for SECTION A(only thefirst 650words willbemarked).The table and calculations are not included in the word count.


2.For allquestions in SECTION BONLY, use the data contained in the file‘ data section B 201701 coursework - All staff in UK Higher Institution', which gives information on the academic staff in United Kingdom Higher Education providers by academic contract marker, activity standard occupational classification, mode of employment and sex 2013/14 to 2015/16.

2 v).Using histogramand summary of the table for the data section B.

2 vi).conduct a descriptive statistics for the data, point out the key significant for the data.

2 vii).Plot a line graph for the academic staff in UK higher institution for the years and highlight the data.

2 viii).Provide a clear summary and conclusion from the both data.

You should write no more than 350 words in total for SECTION B.The table and calculations are not included in the word count.

Your essay should:

Not materially exceed 1,000 words (excluding charts, graphs, tables and reference)

Be written in plain style, using subheadings and lists where appropriate.

Be properly referenced acknowledging all the sources you have used, and only the sources you have used, in the body of the text and at the end in a section headed "References"

Include evidence of locating and reading sources beyond the suggested initial reading.

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Applied Statistics: Calculate the descriptive statistics of the datafor years
Reference No:- TGS02251395

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