
Calculate the cv-sv-cpi-spi for total project


Where's my manners, can someone please help with this Thanks. I need to understand the basics of these problems.

Your project has four activities. Below is the current status of each activity.

Activity A was to have cost $150,000 when complete. Its costs so far are $45,000. It is 35% complete. The activity has completed 5 weeks of a planned 15-week schedule.

Activity B is at the end of week 2 of a planned 4-week effort. It is 45% complete. It was to cost $100,000 when finished. Its costs to date are $50,000.

Activity C is finished. It finished 2 weeks late. It cost $100,000. And it was planned to have cost $110,000.

Activity D is beginning its forth of a planned 6-week schedule. It has cost $200,000 so far. It was estimated to cost $450,000 when finished. It is approximately 55% complete.

Using this data, calculate the following.

1. What are the PV, EV, and AC for the project?
2. What are the SV, CV, SPI, and CPI for the project?
3. Assess the project performance to date? Do you get to have the celebration?

Your project has four activities. Below is the current status of each activity.

Activity A was to have cost $250,000 when complete. Its costs so far are $165,000. It is 50% complete. The activity has completed 7 weeks of a planned 15-week schedule.

Activity B is at the end of week 2 of a planned 4-week effort. It is 65% complete. It was to cost $190,000 when finished. Its costs to date are $150,000.

Activity C is finished. It finished 2 weeks late. It cost $200,000. And it was planned to have cost $250,000.

Activity D is at the end of its forth of a planned 6-week schedule. It has cost $350,000 so far. It was estimated to cost $500,000 when finished. It is approximately 55% complete.

Using this data, calculate the following.

1.   Calculate the CV, SV, CPI, and SPI for each activity and the total project.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Management: Calculate the cv-sv-cpi-spi for total project
Reference No:- TGS01768233

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