Calculate the cost of preferred equity calculate the cost

Burton currently has $850,000 of long-term debt outstanding, 5,000 shares of preferred stock ($10 par) with a market price of $13, and 20,000 shares of common stock ($20 par) with a market price of $54 per share. They have used a WACC of 14% in the past to evaluate projects but want to determine their current required return for new investments.

Debt: Burton can sell a 10-year, $1,000 par value, 8 percent annual coupon bond for $980. A flotation cost of 2 percent of the face (par) value would be required. Additionally, the firm has a marginal tax rate of 34 percent.

Preferred Stock: Burton pays $1.25 dividends annually on their preferred shares. The shares are currently selling for $13 in the secondary market. They do not have plans to issue any additional preferred stock.

Common Stock: Burton's common stock is currently selling for $54 per share. The dividend expected to be paid at the end of the coming year is $4. Its dividend payments have been growing at a constant 3% rate.

Calculate the after-tax cost of debt

Calculate the cost of preferred equity

Calculate the cost of common equity

Calculate the WACC

Re-calculate the NPV for the project in #1 above using this new WACC.

Should Burton accept the project when considering this revised cost of capital?

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Financial Management: Calculate the cost of preferred equity calculate the cost
Reference No:- TGS02719933

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