
Calculate the contribution of the linkingunlinking process

Determine the answer of the given problem

Problem- An ideal gas is composed of linear molecules that have L links, i.e., the molecules are composed of linear chains of atoms that are cross-linked together to form a structure like a zipper. A molecule can come apart by breaking the links, and each link has a state where is closed with energy 0 and a state where it is open with energy E. The molecule can unzip by starting from one end, and link "j" can open only if all previous links (1, 2... j-1) are already open.

Part 1- Calculate the contribution of the linking/unlinking process to the gas specific heat for temperatures of T = 300 K and 2000 K. Assume that E/kB = 100 K and that L = 200. Note that to solve this problem you need to derive an appropriate partition function.

I want assist to calculate the contribution of the linking process.

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Other Subject: Calculate the contribution of the linkingunlinking process
Reference No:- TGS0971158

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