
Calculate the constant n which normalizes psi calculate the

Question 1. Consider the three-dimensional wave function

ψ(x, y, z) = Ne-[|x|/2a + |b|/2b + |z|/2x]

where a, b and c are three positive lengths.

a. Calculate the constant N which normalizes ψ.

b. Calculate the probability that a measurement of X will yield a result included between 0 and a.

c. Calculate the probability that simultaneous measurements of Y and Z will yield results included respectively between - b and + b, and - c and + c.

d. Calculate the probability that a measurement of the momentum will yield a result included in the element dpx, dpy, dpz centered at the point px = py = 0; pz = h/c.

Question 2. Let ψ (x, y, z) = ψ(r) be the normalized wave function of a particle. Express in terms of ψ(r) the probability for:

a. a measurement of the abscissa X, to yield a result included between x1 and x2;

b. a measurement of the component Px of the momentum, to yield a result included between p1 and p2;

c. simultaneous measurements of X and Pz, to yield :

x1 ≤ x ≤ x2

pz ≥ 0

d. simultaneous measurements of Px, Py, Pz, to yield :

P1 ≤ Px ≤ P2

P3 ≤ Py ≤ P4

P5 ≤ Pz ≤ P6

Show that this probability is equal to the result of b when p3, p5 → ∞; Pi, P6 ---4" + X ;

e. A measurement of the component U = -1/√3 (X + Y + Z) of the position, to yield a result included between u1 and u2.

Question 3. Let J(r) be the probability current associated with a wave function ψ(r) describing the state of a particle of mass m [chap. III, relations (D-17) and (D-19)].

a. Show that:

m ∫d3r J(r) = < P >

where < P) is the mean value of the momentum.

b. Consider the operator L (orbital angular momentum) defined by L = R x P. Are the three components of L Hermitian operators? Establish the relation:

m ∫d3r [r x J(r)] = < L>.

Question 4. One wants to show that the physical state of a (spinless) particle is completely defined by specifying the probability density p(r) = Ψ(r)2 and the probability current J(r).

a. Assume the function Ψ(r) known and let ξ(r) be its argument:

Ψ(r) = √ρ(r)eiξ(r)

Show that :

J(r) = h/mp(r)∇ξ(r)

Deduce that two wave functions leading to the same density p(r) and current J(r) can differ only by a global phase factor.

b. Given arbitrary functions p(r) and J(r), show that a quantum state Ψ(r) can be associated with them only if ∇ x v(r) = 0, where v(r) = J(r)/p(r) is the velocity associated with the probability fluid.

c. Now assume that the particle is submitted to a magnetic field B(r) = ∇ x A(r) [see chap. III, definition (D-20) of the probability current in this case]. Show that:

J = ρ(r)/m [h∇ξ(r) - qA(r)]


∇ x v(r) = -q/m B(r)

Question 5. Virial theorem

a. In a one-dimensional problem, consider a particle with the Hamiltonian:

H = p2/2m + V(X)


V(X) = λXn

Calculate the commutator [H, XP]. If there exists one or several stationary states | φ > in the potential V, show that the mean values < T> and < V> of the kinetic and potential energies in these states satisfy the relation : 2 < T) = n< V>.

b. In a three-dimensional problem, H is written:

H = p2/2m + V(R)

Calculate the commutator [H, R.P]. Assume that V(R) is a homogeneous function of nth order in the variables X, Y, Z. What relation necessarily exists between the mean kinetic energy and the mean potential energy of the particle in a stationary state?

Apply this to a particle moving in the potential V(r) = - e2/r (hydrogen atom).

Recall that a homogeneous function V of nth degree in the variables x, y and z by definition satisfies the relation:

V(αx, αy, αz) = αnV(x, y, z)

and satisfies Euler's identity :

x ∂V/∂x + y∂V/∂y + z∂V/∂z = nV(x,y,z).

c. Consider a system of N particles of positions Ri and momenta Pi (i = 1, 2, ... N). When their potential energy is a homogeneous (nth degree) function of the set of components Xi, Yi, Zi, can the results obtained above be generalized?

An application of this can be made to the study of an arbitrary molecule formed of nuclei of charges - Ziq and electrons of charge q. All these particles interact by pairs through Coulomb forces. In a stationary state of the molecule, what relation exists between the kinetic energy of the system of particles and their energy of mutual interaction?

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Physics: Calculate the constant n which normalizes psi calculate the
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