
Calculate the confidence interval for all samples

Discuss the below:

Raw data is shown below:

Gas Price

Gas Price

Gas Price



























































































A. 1. Discuss any observations you can make regarding the raw data before doing any calculations.

2. Calculate the measures of central tendency for each sample. (Mean, mode, Median)

3. Calculate the dispersion (standard deviation and Range). Identify the 1,2, and 3 Sigma ranges for each sample.

4. Group the data and set up frequency tables for each sample. Again calculate the same items done in #2 and #3 above for the group data. Compare the results with the results from#2(mode,mean,median) and #3. Show your calculations please.

B) Using the same collected raw data above, present the following:

1. Present a graph showing the frequency table results. Does it look like a normal curve?

2. Make up two relevant probability questions for each sample and show the calculations and interpret the results. For instance "what is the probability of a boy getting between $8 and $10 allowance per week"?

3. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for all samples.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Basic Statistics: Calculate the confidence interval for all samples
Reference No:- TGS01896694

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