
Calculate the boats fair market value

Brett, age 45, is single and resides at 123 Main Street, West Haven, CT 06516. His social security number is 123-45-6789. Brett has two children, Kyle (age 17) and Grace (age 10), and their social security #'s are 049-52-5472 and 045-23-5432 respectively. Brett's mother, Donna Simons (age 70, social security #048-68-5874) lives at 50 Benton Street, West Haven, CT. Ella receives Social Security income of $15,000 per year and Brett pays his mother $75 per week to watch Grace after school (36 weeks). Brett does not want to designate $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign fund.

On New Year's Eve 2009, Brett's wife and Grace's mother Susan, was tragically killed in an automobile accident caused by a drunk driver. Brett survived the accident sustaining a broken leg and arm. He filed a lawsuit with respect to his injuries which was settled in 2013 awarding compensatory damages of $15,000 and punitive damages of $35,000.

Brett was the named beneficiary of Susan's $150,000 life insurance policy. Brett was given the option by Liberty Mutual to either receive the entire proceeds as one payment in 2010 or to receive $32,000 per year for five years. Brett chose to receive the proceeds in installments, the fourth of which was received in February, 2013.

Due to the loss of his wife, Brett decided that he should work from home. In December of 2012, he retired from his job as a Waterbury police officer and started his own security company on January 1, 2013. He continued to work part-time for the Police Department in 2013. His W-2 from the Waterbury Police Department (EIN 06-1234567) reported the following: wages $10,000, federal income taxes withheld $1,000, and Connecticut income taxes withheld $500. WPD withheld the proper amounts of social security and medicare taxes from Brett's pay during the year. Brett was not a participant in WPD's retirement plan.

In 2013 Brett returned to school to pursue a master's degree in Criminal Justice. During 2013, Brett paid $3,000 for qualified tuition expenses.

Brett's business "Safe & Secure" (taxpayer I.D. #06-7654321) opened for business on January 1st. He uses the cash method of accounting and materially participates in the operation of this business. Brett uses his finished basement as his office. It has a separate entrance for clients and occupies approximately 500 of the 3,000 total square footage of his home. The home cost $400,000 at acquisition (12/01/2000 and does not include cost of land). Brett rents all necessary office furniture and equipment however repairs to the walls and painting were required to make it client ready. The total cost for the wall repairs and painting was $2,000.

Revenue and expenses for Safe & Secure for the year were as follows:

Security services Revenue


Alarm monitoring services Revenue


Equipment rent expense


Business insurance expense


Advertising expense


Legal expenses


Wages paid to his employee


Payroll taxes paid on employee wages


Office Supplies Expense


Liability Insurance Expense


Brett received the following interest and dividend income in 2013 (he did not have any interest in a foreign account or trust):



Webster Bank


UTC Corporation**


Waterbury Credit Union


Ace Corporation**


Multistate Municipal Bonds




On November 1, 2005, Brett and Susan invested in Ace Corporation by purchasing 100 shares at $60/share. Concerned about the future of the company, he sold the shares at $20/share on February 1, 2013. Brett received a Form 1099-B from his investment company that reported the sale and basis of the stock sold.

Prior to meeting Susan, Brett was married to Elaine, Kyle's mother (social security #985-25-6975). Pursuant to their divorce agreement, Brett is required to make monthly alimony payments of $500 to Elaine. Brett faithfully makes each month's payment. In addition, Elaine is required to pay Brett $800 per month for child support. Kyle resides with his mother during the summer and school vacations.

Brett is an avid fisherman. In December 2013, Brett's fishing boat which is stored at the Mystic dock was stolen and not recovered. Prior to the theft, the boat's fair market value and adjusted basis was $30,000 and $25,000 respectively. The boat which was acquired in 2010 was not insured.

Kyle graduated high school in June and decided to study chemistry at a state university. He received an academic scholarship of $10,000 towards his first semester tuition expenses of $18,000. In addition, he took a student loan for $6,000 to pay for room and board. Brett paid the balance of Kyle's tuition costs from Brett's savings account.

Brett paid (and can substantiate) the following during the year:

Health insurance premiums for Brett and kids (paid during 2013)


Interest on Discover credit card


Dental expenses (Grace's braces)


Donna's medical expenses


"Lifestyle" lift for Donna


Mortgage interest (Main St) (Total mortgage < 1,000,000)


Real estate taxes (Main St)


Mortgage interest (Donna's home)


Property taxes (assessed on car's value)


Utilities for residence


Homeowner's insurance


Contributions to church


Used furniture donated to Goodwill (FMV) (Cost = 1,000)


Cost of one dinner ticket to attend a fundraiser for the "Republican National Committee"; value of a comparable dinner = $50


Brett did not keep mileage records for medical or charitable contribution deduction purposes.

In 2013, Brett paid a balance of $800 with his 2012 Connecticut income tax return. He also made state estimated tax payments totaling $1,000 ($250 on each of the following dates 4/15/13, 06/15/13, 09/15/13 and 01/15/14).

In the event he is due a refund of tax, Brett would like to apply all of his overpayment to his 2014 tax liability.

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Accounting Basics: Calculate the boats fair market value
Reference No:- TGS0672738

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