
Calculate the average daily census

Assignment Directions:  Using your textbooks, lectures and internet resources respond to Case 7-1 and 7-2 in the Case Studies in Health Information Management text. Calculate the total IPSD, compare total IPSD and total LOS noting the benefits of each from a healthcare manager's perspective, calculate the CCU's IPSD noting it's importance to the CCU's nurse manager. Reminder: Inpatient service day (IPSD) represents the work/services performed during a 24 hour period. Patients who are both admitted and discharged on the same day can only be accounted for via IPSD. They would not be captured in a census only count as they are not present at the census taking time. Therefore, they must be added to the census count. For Case 7-2, calculate the average daily census, in a non-leap year, for adults

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