Response to the following problem:
The Gauss-Markov model for a time-varying channel is given by h(m + 1) = √ 1 - αh(m) + αw(m + 1)
where {w(m)} is a sequence of iid CN (0, 1) random variables independent of h(0) ∼ CN (0, 1). The sampling time is Ts. The coherence time of this channel is controlled by the choice of parameter α.
1. Calculate the autocorrelation function of the sequence {h(m)} denoted by Rh(m).
2. Define coherence time as that corresponding to Rh (m) = 0.5. Determine the value of α in terms of Ts and the coherence time Tc.
3. Suppose that {h(m} is transmitted from the receiver to the transmitter with a delay of Ts. The transmitter predicts the value of h(m), say hˆ (m), from the past samples h(m - n) and h(m - n - 1). Thus
hˆ(m) = b1h(m - n) + b2h(m - n - 1)
where the prediction coefficients b1 and b2 are determined to minimize the MSE
E[|e|2] = E[|h(m) - hˆ(m)|2]
Determine b1 and b2 that minimize MSE.