Calculate the appropriate statistical test using spss

Assignment task: Research consistently shows that children are more likely to have behavior problems if they have less support available in their family. A local developmental psychologist observes seven children with their parents, rating levels of family support and child behavior problems to examine whether her town's data is consistent with the literature. The data appear below. (Note that this is a very small sample size for demonstration purposes. If you were conducting an actual study, you would want a larger sample size. Also note, it is standard practice to consider ratings unless otherwise identified). Enter it into SPSS to complete the first set of problems (#1-7).

Ratings of Family Support      Ratings of Child Behavior Problems

8          4

5          4

2          7

9          3

7          4

5          7

3          5

Question #1 - What is the research hypothesis (not the null hypothesis - the research hypothesis). State whether it is one or two-tailed, and justify your answer.

Question #2 - Calculate the appropriate statistical test using SPSS. Copy / paste all relevant output in the space provided, making sure it is all viewable.

Question #3 - Write a Results section for your findings. Include the type of statistical test and results of the test (clearly stating whether results are significant or not), confidence interval, and interpret the coefficient of determination.

Question #4 - Regardless of the results above; use SPSS to calculate a regression analysis to predict ratings of child behavior problems given one's family support. (Note this statement tells you what the predictor, or independent variable should be for your analysis). Copy / paste all SPSS output as images in the space below.

Question #5 - Create an appropriate figure for the regression (include the line of best fit). Present it professionally below, numbering it as Figure 1 (and don't forget all other components like a title, et cet).

Question #6 - Write a results paragraph for the regression analysis. Make sure to include the statistical test results, regression equation, interpretation of the equation, and the standard error of the estimate. Include a correctly formatted callout to Figure 1 as well! (Note this question requires you to synthesize information from the lecture video, SPSS Workbook, and ebook chapter from this week! Hint: See Application 9.3 (p. 272) and its related sections in chapter 9 for an example write-up based on SPSS output.)

Question #7 - The media reports that "New study finds that the root of behavior problems in children is lack of family support". In 1 - 2 sentences, briefly discuss whether this is an appropriate claim, using terms and concepts from the course.

A researcher uses a driving simulation to measure the reaction time of braking when a dog runs across the street in front of a car. His participants are newly licensed or experienced drivers, and all of the drivers are talking on a cell phone during the simulation (N = 16). He finds the following data, which represent seconds to brake after a dog first appears in the street in front of a driver. Enter the databelow as numerical data into SPSS to complete problems #8-12.

Type of Driver            Braking Time

Newly Licensed Drivers         1

Newly Licensed Drivers         1.5

Newly Licensed Drivers         2.33

Newly Licensed Drivers         2.33

Newly Licensed Drivers         4.5

Newly Licensed Drivers         5

Newly Licensed Drivers         15

Newly Licensed Drivers         25

Experienced Drivers             .33

Experienced Drivers              .5

Experienced Drivers            .75

Experienced Drivers              1

Experienced Drivers              3

Experienced Drivers            3.5

Experienced Drivers             10

Experienced Drivers             12

Question #8 - What would be the most appropriate statistical test to examine whether there is a relationship between type of driver and braking time? Support your answer using terms and concepts from class.

Question #9 - Calculate the appropriate statistical test using SPSS. Copy / paste all relevant output in the space provided, making sure it is all viewable.

Question #10 - Write a Results section for your findings. Include the type of statistical test and results of the test (clearly stating whether results are significant or not), confidence interval, and interpret the coefficient of determination.

Question #11 - Recall what makes a study causal (i.e. systematic manipulation of an independent variable, random assignment to levels of the IV... review chapter 1 if needed).

How could you examine breaking time in a causal / experimental research study (note it does not need to include the type of driver variable - just use the braking time variable from this scenario plus another variable you could envision manipulating that may affect braking time).

Clearly state your two variables, how you'd operationally define them, which one you'd manipulate, and how you'd manipulate it.

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