The Village of Delmar is preparing its government wide statement of activities for the year ended December 31, 2013. Analysis of the data accumulated thus far shows the following expenses for each of its programs:
The Village of Delmar is preparing its government wide statement:
The Internal Service Fund (ISF) billings are from the village Motor Pool ISF. The ISF column of the proprietary funds statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net position, prepared by the Village of Delmar, shows the following:
Charges for services............. $ 100,000
Operating expenses:
Personal services ............. 70,000
Repairs and maintenance......... 5,000
Depreciation............... 15,000
Total operating expenses.......... 90,000
Operating income............. 10,000
Total net assets beginning of year ..... 45,000
Total net assetsending of year ....... $ 55,000
Calculate the amounts that the Village of Delmar should report as expenses for each of its programs in its government wide statement of activities for the year ended December 31,2013.