
Calculate suzy basis for partnership interest

Suzy owns a 25% capital and profits interst in the calendar-year SJDV Partnership. Her adjusted basis for her partnership interest on July 1 of the current year is $200,000. On that date, she receives a proportionate nonliquidating current distribution of the following assets:

Partnership's Basis in Asset
Cash $80,000
Inventory $130,000
Land $90,000
Asset's Fari Market Value
Cash $80,000
Inventory $150,000
Land $105,000

a. Calculate Suzy's recognized gain or loss on the distributions, if any.

b. Calculate Suzy's basis in the inventory received.

c. Calculate Suzy's basis in the land received. The land is a capital asset.

d. Calculate Suzy's basis for her partnership interest after the distribution.

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Accounting Basics: Calculate suzy basis for partnership interest
Reference No:- TGS096080

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