
Calculate state of florida risk assessment



Champion, D. (2010). The Juvenile justice system: Delinquency, processing, and the law (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

The papers will be typed in Times New Roman using 12 font. Papers will be double-spaced. All papers will be at least 500 words in length. The papers will be a critical examination of a topic area chosen by the instructor. Students are encouraged to critically examine and question a topic area in detail using ONLY their text.

Assignment - refer to text pages 284 and 285 - State of Florida Risk Assessment. Using the scenario below calculate Jerry's risk assessment and needs assessment based on Jerry J's background and crime (below). Record your scores using the assessment form as provided. Then use the matrix to determine treatment. What do the assessment scores tell you? Were there mitigating or aggravating factors missed by the assessment that you thought important. Do you agree with the scores from the instrument? Would you base your assessment purely on the instrument scores?

Complete the written assignment using the paper guidelines.

The papers will be typed in Times New Roman using 12 font. Papers will be double-spaced. The papers will be at least 500 words in length. The papers will be a critical examination of a topic area chosen by the instructor. Students are encouraged to critically examine and question a topic area in detail using their book. Internet sources and information will not be used.


Jerry J. is 14 years-old and lives in Kissimmee Florida. Jerry is a Freshman in Orange High School. A juvenile judge found Jerry guilty last week of Possession of a controlled substance (crack cocaine) with intent to sell. The offense is a second degree felony. It was discovered that Jerry was a drug runner for a local drug dealer who is associated with the "Crips" gang. Jerry states he is a "Crip" but the probation officer believes Jerry is just being used to make money. Jerry has a case history in juvenile court. When he was 11 years-old he was arrested for shoplifting at Wal-Mart. The case was dismissed when Jerry agreed to attend a diversion program with his father. Jerry was arrested for an assault on a school mate last year. The victim was an 11th grader who was making fun of Jerry at lunch. Jerry attacked him with a baseball bat causing numerous injuries including a broken leg. The case was processed in court and Jerry agreed to probation. Jerry sparingly attended his probation sessions. During his probation Jerry did receive some cognitive-behavioral psychological treatment for his aggressive behavior. The probation officer felt that Jerry was not getting any encouragement from home and his father never made it to the sessions. At the time of his arrest the probation officer was preparing to revoke Jerry's probation due to non-attendance.

Jerry has no mother figure in his life. She abandoned the family when Jerry was four years-old. It is known that she died of an overdose five years ago. Jerry's father is an alcoholic who is unemployed. Jerry's father states he tries to help out, but Jerry is hard to control as he does what he wants. He is frequently out of the house hanging out with the gang members and can't keep track of Jerry. Jerry's father adds that Jerry has been bringing food home and they have been eating better. Jerry has no brothers or sisters. The local child welfare agency has investigated Jerry's father for neglect. The matter was dropped when he attended child care classes. The neighbors have been somewhat involved in Jerry's life. They are a retired couple who have fed Jerry and help him from time to time. They believe Jerry can do better if he were to get better parenting. They have expressed an interest in raising Jerry.

Jerry was a C and D student before he was kicked out of school for assault and battery. School records show his grades were generally good. However, Jerry had an issue with non-attendance. He was cited for truancy at least 10 times in his freshman year before he was kicked out of school. Jerry was tested at school and did not show to have any developmental disabilities. The school counselor stated that Jerry tested as borderline ADHD.

The principal states that Jerry was a good student he just didn't apply himself. He also added that Jerry did not get along with his fellow students and was more of an outsider. He did get in frequent fights with his fellow students. The psychologist that did treat Jerry as part of his probation noted that Jerry had impulse control problems and was quick to anger. He stated that Jerry has largely been undisciplined and appeared to have issues with his mother and father that were unresolved. Jerry doesn't have any friends in school or the neighborhood. Jerry only seemed to relate to the older couple who lived next door. Jerry also tested positive for cocaine in his drug test taken after arrest.

Jerry is not remorseful about his drug arrest. He states that he was bored and needed some money to live. Jerry is remorseful about being incarcerated and missing the neighbors who he has begun to trust. Jerry does not want to see his father again.

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