
Calculate measures of central tendency for data

Discuss the below:

Q: a. Calculate all measures of central tendency for data that are interval or ratio in measurement

b. Calculate the standard deviation for data that are interval or ratio in measurement

c. Assume this is a sample of students, calculate a t-test that compares boys and girls on the number of absences (you can assume equal variances). Is there a significant difference in absences between genders?

d. Assume this is a sample of students and that students receive an A grade if their score is 90 or above. Calculate a chi-square test to determine whether girls achieve more A grades than boys in math. Calculate a chi-square test to determine whether girls achieve more A grades than boys in reading.

Standard Test Scores
Name Gender Absences PE Math Writing Reading
Alex Boy 5 49 85 86 80
Anthony Boy 18 51 39 71 75
Douglas Boy 1 82 74 78 79
Jorge Boy 4 56 66 68 60
Joshua Boy 5 83 79 78 77
Luke Boy 0 94 89 84 84
Robert Boy 17 36 36 56 50
Rupert Boy 4 24 55 56 52
Seth Boy 0 61 92 89 83
Wayne Boy 1 65 92 96 91
Blair Girl 3 94 59 66 90
Brooke Girl 2 75 35 43 46
Carmen Girl 0 49 91 91 90
Charlita Girl 16 23 49 55 49
Kim Girl 2 71 90 92 95
Li Girl 1 73 98 93 95
Rachel Girl 2 92 87 92 91
Sara Girl 3 33 87 93 94
Sheetal Girl 0 18 100 97 97
Tawayna Girl 14 31 65 55 63

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Basic Statistics: Calculate measures of central tendency for data
Reference No:- TGS01914225

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