
Calculate measures of central tendency and variability you

Assignment Activity- Calculating Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

In this assignment, you will be presented with 3 sets of data that you might encounter in a healthcare setting. For each data set you will be asked to use Excel to create functions for calculating measures of central tendency and variability. Be sure you have installed the Analysis Toolpak add-in to your Excel Software.

Focuses on vital statistics, measures of central tendency, and measures of variability. You will use Excel this week! In one of your assignments, you will be asked to calculate mode, mean, range, variance, etc. GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND! If you are not sure how to calculate the formulas in Excel, you will want to use a search engine and use phrases such as "how to calculate mode in Excel". Also, check out YouTube as well as the Lynda.com videos. There are many resources on the web so be sure you take advantage of them. You may find that the Excel assignment is not as daunting as it appears.

Lesson Content - Using Excel for Calculating and Representing Statistics

Throughout this course, you will need to use computer software capable of statistical analysis in order to calculate and ultimately present statistical findings.

Microsoft Excel

While not a specialized statistical software package, Microsoft Excel can be used to perform a number of statistical calculations (as long as you install the Analysis Toolpak Add-In).

Excel is also very capable of representing data through a variety of Charts, Tables, and Graphs. Another consideration is that Excel is commonly available; in fact, as a student at the College, you likely have it installed on your computer already as part of Microsoft Office.

Learn How to Use Excel with the Resources Below

For information about accessing this video tutorial content, please see the Video Tutorials page in the Course Materials folder.

Excel 2007: Business Statistics - shows managers and executives how to assess their organization's data effectively by applying statistical analysis techniques. The course covers important statistical terms and definitions, and then dives into techniques using the tools in Excel: formulas and functions for calculating averages and standard deviations, charts and graphs for summarizing data, and the Analysis ToolPak add-in for even greater insights into data.

Attachment:- Statistical-Calculations-Data-File.rar

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Dissertation: Calculate measures of central tendency and variability you
Reference No:- TGS02497806

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