
Calculate mean and standard deviation of the total score

Assignment Problem:

The "PSYC545_Exam_Data_Set.sav" file contains test question data for 25 students plus some demographic data. The item responses are in their "raw" form meaning they have not been scored yet. Your job is to score the student's answers, calculate a total score, and conduct an item analysis on the 10-question test.

Each of these steps is to be completed in SPSS using the SPSS Tutorials as a guide. The keyed responses are in the table below:

Item Number

Correct Response





















For this assignment, you will:

Task 1: Apply the key to the raw responses. This step will result in "0" for an incorrect and "1" for a correct response.

Task 2: Compute a total score for the exam. Using the scored responses, sum them to create a total score. Calculate a mean and standard deviation (SD) of the total score variable for this class and create a figure displaying this distribution.

Task 3: Calculate Cronbach's Alpha for the exam. Create a single table that presents the sample size (N), mean, SD, and Cronbach's Alpha.

Task 4: Calculate item difficulties and item discrimination stats for each exam item. Create a single table that lists the item number, the difficulty, and the discrimination values.

Task 5: Write a verbal summary of all your findings. This summary section will include 2 elements:

a) Summarize the results of the descriptive statistics, distribution, and internal consistency for the test and the items by themselves using the information compiled in the tables/figure.

b) Interpret the values that you found from the various analyses. Are there mostly good items? What is the worst item in terms of item discrimination? What is the most difficult item?

Task 6: Format your table headings and figure captions according to current APA guidelines. Remember, you should have one figure and two tables when you are finished.

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Tags: Mean and Standard Deviation Assignment Help, Mean and Standard Deviation Homework Help, Mean and Standard Deviation Coursework, Mean and Standard Deviation Solved Assignments, Descriptive Statistics Assignment Help, Descriptive Statistics Homework Help, Descriptive Statistics Solved Assignments, Descriptive Statistics Coursework, Cronbach's Alpha Assignment Help, Cronbach's Alpha Homework Help, Cronbach's Alpha Coursework

Attachment:- Exam data sheet.rar

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Basic Statistics: Calculate mean and standard deviation of the total score
Reference No:- TGS03025627

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