Problem: During the clinical course, serum Tobramycin concentrations were drawn around the second dose of Tobramycin, 160 mg (10 /mg/kg/dose) IV Q 24 H. Levels were reported as follows:
Random level: 7.4 mcg/mL collected 4 hours after the end of the 30-minute infusion
Random level: 1.4 mcg/mL collected 10 hours after end of the 30-minute infusion
Based on this new information, evaluate her drug therapy. Calculate the maximum concentration at the end of infusion (Cmax), true through, AUC, elimination rate, half-life, volume of distribution, and clearance (standardized for BSA) of her Tobramycin therapy. If necessary, suggest modifications. Assume that the previous doses were administered on time.
Outcome Evaluation