
Calculate final length of aluminum tube and normal stress

A steel bolt is placed through an aluminum tube,. Sturdy washers are placed on each end of the tube, ,and the bolt is tightened until the washers are in close contact with the tube but are not exerting any force on the tube. The system is at a temperature of 20°C. The system is heated until the temperature reaches 100°C. Given the information below, calculate the final length of the aluminum tube and the normal stress in the bolt at this new temperature.

Aluminum tube                                                                      Steel bolt

Length = 100 mm                                                                   Length = 100 mm

Outer diameter = 30 mm                                                        Diameter = 10 mm

Inner diameter = 20 mm                                                         E = 200 GPa

E = 73.1 GPa                                                                           CTE = 12 x 10-6 °C-1

Coef. of thermal expansion (CTE) = 23 x 10-6  °C-1

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Mechanical Engineering: Calculate final length of aluminum tube and normal stress
Reference No:- TGS0735442

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