
Calculate fast line tension and static line tension -


If the tension in fast line is 125% of the tension in static line and the derrick load is 800,000 lb.

1- Fast line tension
2- Static line tension
3- Weight on each leg, if draw works is located between legs C and D and static line is anchored at leg D
4- Derrick efficiency; comment your answer
5- Hook horsepower if the drum speed is 120 rpm and its diameter is 40 in.
6- Draw works horse power


A duplex 6"×2"×13" pump is operating at 90 stk/min. Its mechanical efficiency is 90%. Calculate:
1- The pump factor in bbl/stk and gal/stk at 95% volumetric efficiency
2- The flow rate in bbl/min and gal/min
3- Time and number of strokes to discharge 90% of the rectangular tank capacity (8'×18'×8')
4- The pump power if the operating pressure is 2,500 psi
5- The prime mover power
6- If the prime mover efficiency is 25%, find butane consumption in one day


In a Gulf Coast well, transient time was 120 sec. at a depth of 12,000 ft. If the normal transient time at this depthwas 90 sec. Calculate:
1- Formation pressure
2- Mud weigh to drill this formation
3- Fracture gradient ( use both equation and chart)
4- ECD, if casing pressure is 100 psi and pressure outside bit nozzles is 1500 psi; comment your answer
5- Vertical stress

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Other Engineering: Calculate fast line tension and static line tension -
Reference No:- TGS01127762

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