Calculate critical frequency for the input low pass network

Critical frequency for the input low pass network,
and the output low pass network,
estimate the values for Cbe, Cjc, Cbc, and Cje.
Concider the resistance of the signal sourceRs to be equal to the 1 ohm resister in series with the source.
Parameters: Common-Emitter Amplifier High Frequecy Response- 2N3904
Vcc = 20V
R1 = 10k ohms
R2 = 2k ohms
Rs = 1 ohm
Rc = 2k ohms
Re = 660 ohms
Rl = 200k ohms
C1 = 10 uF = base
C2 = 1 uF = collector
C3 = 470 uF = emitter
Beta = ac = 232.55
re(ac emitter resistance) = 7.095 ohms

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Electrical Engineering: Calculate critical frequency for the input low pass network
Reference No:- TGS0612555

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