A number of timber samples (test pieces) were tested on 17/03/2016, in compression parallel to timber grains. Three species of timber [(1) Oregon/Douglas Fir, (2) Radiate Pine and (3) Mountain Ash] were tested by the demonstrators; Shane Warren, Greg Shields and Adam Krezel. Four video clips of the compressive strength testing and seven photographs of moisture content (MC) measurements are posted in the ‘Assessment’ folder of the SRT153 2016 CloudDeakin site. Table presents summary of the test results.

Assignment TASKS:
1. Watch the videos documenting timber testing and summarise your observations (approximately 350 words). The following needs to be noticed/ commented (1) testing equipment, (2) geometry of the samples, (3) visual appearance/ grading of each sample, (4) method of force application (5) failure modes and (6) safety aspects related to testing.
2. Copy Table to your assignment/ report.
3. Examine the seven photographs and state moisture content (MC) in Table.
4. Calculate compressive strength [in MPa] of each sample and fill in the results in Table.
The following equation/ formula (i) is to be used to calculate compressive strength:
i. FORMULA; Strength (Pa) = Force (N) / Area (m2)
5. Propose a simple method of determining density of any of the samples presented in Table.
6. Propose a simple method of determining moisture content od timber sample in case you have no access to ‘wood moisture meter’.