
Calculate buy and hold return for the following companies

Can you please calculate Buy and Hold Return for the following companies and for the portfolio: Stock A Stock B Stock C Stock D Stock E Company name Amazon Macy's Facebook Microsoft Apple Ticker AMZN M FB MSFT AAPL CEO Jeff Bezos Jeffrey Gennette Mark Zuckerberg Satya Nadella Tim Cook Market capitalization 575.162B 6.753B 530.078B 654.814B 888.595B P/E ratio 303.56 10.08 40.83 31.32 19.65 Dividends N/A 1.51 N/A N/A 2.34 Competitor 1 ebay Kohl's Instagram Google Samsung Competitor 2 Target JC Penny Snapchat Oracle Motorola Competitor 3 Best Buy Target Linkedln Apple Sony Competitor 4 Walmart Walmart Twitter Lunix Dell Revenue (most recent year) 150.12 Revenue projection (current year) 177.1B 24.67B 40.2B 106.12B 274.21B Revenue growth projection 228.13B 23.96B 53.34B 114.69B 278.92B EPS (most recent year) 4.9 3.11 3.49 3.29 9.21 EPS projection (current year) 4.31 3.42 5.86 3.39 11.44 EPS growth projection 7.98 2.59 6.62 3.78 12.1 Long-term credit rating A BAA3 A AAA A.

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Financial Management: Calculate buy and hold return for the following companies
Reference No:- TGS02709503

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