
Calculate bearings and distances of the roads chords and

Question 1

This question is also designed to assess your knowledge with respect to several module objectives. The question also relies on prior knowledge gained in pre-requisite courses.

Consider the original plan information shown on 'Original Plan' sheet attached. Assume this represents part of the information that is shown on a registered cadastral survey plan.

Suppose you were re-surveying the irregular rear boundary and your control traverse is as shown on the 'Original Traverse' sheet attached. Field measurements are shown on 'Original Field Traverse Lines and Connections' sheet attached.

Calculate where you would search for original corner information at each of the three stations 12, 13 and 14. Show your answers as connections from the nearest traverse station to the search point, on the datum of your original field traverse.

Note that neither of the sketches is to scale.

Question 2

a) As part of a survey you have radiated to five survey marks with the following results.


i. Calculate the line from mark 1 to 5 and the offsets for the other three marks.
ii. Calculate the line from mark 1 to 2 and the offsets for the other three marks.
iii. Calculate the line from mark 1 to 4 and the offsets for the other three marks.
iv. Calculate the line from mark 2 to 4 and the offsets for the other three marks.
v. Comment on how your results might affect the way a cadastral surveyor would go about doing calculations as part of a survey.

b) A new road is being created through an existing property. The road is to be 20m wide and both sides of the road must be parallel. The southern boundary is based on a curve with a radius of 100m. Calculate bearings and distances of the roads chords and secants.

438_the roads chords and secants.png

Whilst it is acceptable to use CAD to present your answers the exercise becomes trivial if it is used to calculate the solution. Calculations should be made with a programmable calculator. A close program for the HP 50g is available on the Study Desk. Some commercial calculator software programs have functions that calculate chords. Using these functions is not acceptable. As a result any dimension that appears without any adequate derivation or explanation will be marked incorrect.

c) You are starting a cadastral survey and in your search are plans SP206321 and SP207715, extracts of which are shown below. You have found the OIP off Stn6 and the OIP off Stn 7 on SP206321. A quick search has been unable to find the OIP off Stn 2 on SP207715.
You set up on a dumpy peg and read to the two marks you have found and get the results shown on the field survey sketch. Calculate the radiation (bearing and distance) that you would use to have another look for the OIP off Stn 2 on SP207715. (Do not make approximations).

372_Calculate the radiation.png



119_Calculate the radiation2.png

Question 3. You have been asked to mark the road corner of the common boundary of Lots 12 & 13 on RP800123. An extract from that plan is shown below.

2256_road corner.png

The field notes from the survey are attached. The task is to prepare a sketch at suitable scale for an identification survey. Perform the reinstatement calculations using all the new field data, paying careful attention to the reinstatement arguments and bearing adjustments to field data and plan data. The study book has two examples of a final sketch. The plan must include all information the draftsman will need to create the final plan (excluding the surveyor's certificate). As a result it is necessary to use the prescribed abbreviations and drafting standards. However there is no requirement to use the specific font styles. Neat hand drawn plans are quite acceptable. Examination of this plan will enable the examiner to quickly determine if the reinstatement and referencing are correct. Great weight will be placed on the information shown on this plan for assessment purposes.

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Other Engineering: Calculate bearings and distances of the roads chords and
Reference No:- TGS01146934

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