Assignment: Biomass energy calculation
I am trying to understand the calculation that is required to convert bio-energy output (GJ) per land area to EJ per year. This will help me understand and calculate average energy output for different crop types.
for example, please show calculation for;
a) 50million square Kilometers of land, Calculate the average bio-energy output in GJ per hectare per year that would be needed to produce 200 EJ per year from this land area ?
b) So if the average energy content of 17 GJ per tonne for each of these crops listed below, show the calculation that is required to determine the annual energy yield of each, in GJ per hectare per year.
Average annual yields of various energy crops (average yield / t ha-1 y-1), in tonnes of dry matter per hectare per year.
sugar cane,15T
maize, rice, miscanthus, etcetera, 25T
wood, temperate regions,20T
wood, tropical regions,10T
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