
Calculate and tabulate the corrected venturi and orifice

Experiment Specifications:

1. Turn on the pump and adjust the control valve on the hydraulic bench, the exit valve of the flow meter demonstration unit and the bleed valve on the manometer manifold to bleed off all air bubbles.

2. Conduct steady-flow experiments, for at least 8 different flow rates (indicated by the variable area flow meter) ranging between 5 and 15 L/min. Start at the highest flow rate. At each flowrate, record the collection time needed to collect 15L in the tank,as well as the eight manometer heights. To do this, close the drain valve at the bottom of the tank of the hydraulics bench. Collect 15 L of water in the tank as indicated by the upper sight scale in the side of the hydraulics bench and record the time required to do so.

3. Derive equations for the uncertainty and relative uncertainty of the indirectly measured volume flowrates using the volume collection method. Express the venturi and orifice meter ideal volume flowrates in terms of the appropriate manometer heights.

4. For each measured flow rate, calculate and tabulate the volume flow rate given by Eq. (3), as well as the uncertainty and the relative uncertainty of the volume collection flow rate values. In the same table, include the ideal venturi and orifice meter flow rates given by Eq. (1). Note that the uncertainty of the variable area flowmeter measurements is a constant (5% of flow meter full scale).

5. On one graph, plot the volume collection volume flow rate versus the ideal venturi and orifice meter volume flowrates. Include error bars for the volume collection values. Next, using appropriate trendlines in Excel, plot best fit curves that will allow you to determine the discharge coefficientsfor the venturi and orifice plate meters. Make sure you show the trendline equations and R2 values on the graph. Think about your choice of the type of trendline (i.e. linear, power law, polynomial, etc.). Often the theoretical model dictates the best type of trendline.

6. Using the Cd values determined in part 5, calculate and tabulate the corrected venturi and orifice plate meter flow rates. Evaluate the percentagedifference between the variable area, venturi and orifice meter flow rates, and the volume collection volume flow rates.

7. On a second graph, plot the flow rates determined by the three types of flow meters as a function of . Use the same scales for ordinate and abscissa and plot the results from all threemethods on the same graph.Include a 45 degree line on the graph. Include error bars for the variable area flowmeter vs. volume collection flow rate data.

8. Comment on the results. Which flow meter seems to be most accurate? How could the experimental uncertainties associated with the volume collection method be improved (hint: look at the relative uncertainty equation that you derived in part 3)? What types of applications is each type of flow meter (variable area, venturi, orifice meter) best suited for? What seem to be the pros and cons of each type of flow meter? Make sure you include and properly cite references that you consult.

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Other Engineering: Calculate and tabulate the corrected venturi and orifice
Reference No:- TGS01719305

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