
Calculate and interpret cohens d for effect size


The zombie researcher is also interested in whether having been chased by a zombie in the past influences a person's attitude towards zombies.  Attitude ratings following sensitivity training (ZOMB2) are provided for participants that have been chased by a zombie and for those that have never been chased by a zombie. 

Complete this worksheet to test the hypothesis that being chased by a zombie or not has an effect on post-training ratings (ZOMB2 scores).Perform an independent t-test using the summary data provided, and by using JASP. Calculate the effect size and confidence interval statistics in your analysis.

Chased by Zombies

Never Chased by Zombies

N = 14

N = 16

 = 9.786

 = 15.438

sx= 5.381


s2p = 34.23 (pooled variance)

1.Does having been chased by zombies effect the post-training attitude rating towards zombies? (1 point)


   i. Null hypothesis:

   ii.Alternative Hypothesis:

b. Criterion

i. One tailed or two tailed?

ii.df =

iii. Critical value at .05 level:

c. Calculate:tobt

Show formula and computations (using summary data from table above):

d. Determine significance 

i. Reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis:

ii.If significant describe finding:

2. Calculate and interpret Cohen's d for effect size:

Calculate and interpret r2 for effect size:

Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the mean difference:

3. Perform the same independent samples t-test using JASP.  Include the location parameter (including Confidence interval), effect size statistic, descriptives, and descriptives plots. Copy and paste the output from the JASP test below.

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Basic Statistics: Calculate and interpret cohens d for effect size
Reference No:- TGS01953051

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