
Calculate an angular velocity of the assembly

Solve the below problem:

Q: Collar C has a weight of 18 lb and can slide freely on rod AB, which in turn can rotate freely in a horizontal plane. The assembly is rotating with an angular velocityω of 1.5 rad/s when a spring located between A and C is released, projecting the collar along the rod with an initial relative speed of vr = 4.5 ft/s. Knowing that the combined mass moment of inertia about B of the rod and spring is 0.84 lb · ft · s2, determine

(a) The minimum distance between the collar and point B in the ensuing motion,

(b) The corresponding angular velocity of the assembly.

2316_Angular velocity of the assembly.jpg

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Mechanical Engineering: Calculate an angular velocity of the assembly
Reference No:- TGS02017256

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