
Calculate a two-component composition pressure phase

Calculate a two-component composition/ pressure phase diagram for methanol and ethanol at 300 K. The enthalpy of vaporization of methanol is 43.5kJ/mol and ethanol is 43.5 kJ/mol. The boiling points of methanol and ethanol are 337.2 K and 352 K, respectively. Assuming component 1 is ethanol and component 2 is methanol

a)Calculate the total vapor pressure of a methanol/ethanol mixture at x2=xmethanol= 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0

b) Calculate the total Vapor pressure of a methanol/ethanol mixture at y2=ymethanol=0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0

c) Draw the two-component composition (zmethanol)/pressure diagram. Label the number of phases (p) and degrees of freedom (f) from the Gibbs phase rule in each region of the diagram. Note that temperature is fixed in this phase diagram. Therefore, the phase rule in this case is f = c+1-p Here c = 2, since there are two components, so f=3-p.

d)For z2 = .5,  calculate the vapor pressure above the solution when it begins to boil.

e)For z2=.5, calculate the vapor pressure above the solution when the last drop of solution is vaporized.

f)Using the lever rule determine the composition and the relative amount of both liquid and vapor when the vapor pressure is the average of the vapor pressure in parts e. and f.. In other words determine x2, y2, and n(liquid)/n(vapor) when the vapor pressure is halfway between the pressure in parts e and f.

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Chemistry: Calculate a two-component composition pressure phase
Reference No:- TGS02240774

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