
Calculate a combined plane change for the second hohmann

Launch Your Satellite - GEO

Orbits and Trajectories

Let's assume one of your satellites is placed in a slightly different parking orbit than the other satellites. The most efficient approach to changing planes AND changing orbits would be a combined plane change. For the purposes of this example, we'll assume the plane change is 10 degrees, and we'll just calculate a simple plane change. For the gung ho people, you can calculate the combined plane change and compare the simple Hohmann that we did plus the simple plane change to just doing the combined plane change to see how much ?V you would save.

1.Assuming you'll do the simple plane change once you've achieved the 35,780 km orbit, what is the ?Vsimple necessary to make a 10o plane change?

2.If you did the plane change at the 500 km parking orbit, what would have been the ?Vsimple that you would have needed?

3.Gung Ho.Calculate a combined plane change for the second Hohmann burn from our problem.Add that to the first Hohmann burn to find the total ?V. Now add the ?Vsimple to the total ?V from the Hohmann problem.Which is smaller?Again, the difference will be small due to the small plane change and orbit change we're doing.

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Physics: Calculate a combined plane change for the second hohmann
Reference No:- TGS01129866

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