
Calcualte the number of years between now and retirement

Calcualte the number of years between now and retirement calculate the amdount of money you will make between now and retirement calculate the amount of moaney you will savce between now and retirement.(cant stop infinate loop!!)

using namespace std;
int main()
string name;
int age, option = 3, salary, retireDif, retireAge, totalEarned;
double totalSaved, savingsRate;

cout << "What is your name? ";
getline(cin, name);

cout << "How old are you? ";
cin >> age;
if (age >= 60)
retireAge = 65;

if ((age >= 50) && (age < 60))
retireAge = 67;

if ((age >= 40) && (age < 50)) 
retireAge = 70;

if (age < 40)
retireAge = 72;
retireDif = retireAge - age;
while (option != 4) 

cout << "Please select an option: " << endl;
cout << "t (1) Number of years to retirement" << endl;
cout << "t (2) Amount earned between now and retirement" << endl;
cout << "t (3) Amount saved at retirement" << endl;
cout << "t (4) Exit (do nothing)" << endl;
cin >> option;
case 1:
cout << "You have " << retireDif << " years until retirement." << endl;
cout << endl;
case 2:
cout << "How much do you make per week in dollars? ";
cin >> salary;
totalEarned = salary * 52 * retireDif;
cout << "You will earn $" << totalEarned << " between now and retirement." << endl;
cout << endl;
case 3:
cout << "How much do you make per week in dollars? ";
cin >> salary;
totalEarned = salary * 52 * retireDif;
cout << "What percentage will you save? ";
cin >> savingsRate;
totalSaved = (totalEarned * savingsRate) / 100;
cout << "You will have " << totalSaved << " saved when you retire." << endl;
cout << endl;
case 4:
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Thanks for using our program!" << endl;
cout << "Please choose a valid option." << endl;
cout << endl;


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Basic Computer Science: Calcualte the number of years between now and retirement
Reference No:- TGS0123907

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