
Calculate mean velocity of the flow at the discharge point

Crude oil flowing from the exit of a pump (1) through a 1000 km long(L) and 0.5m diameter(D) pipe. The pipe fills a tank reservoir (2) which is opened to the atmosphere. the presseure at the exit of the pump (1) is 0.5MPa gage. The exit of the pipe (2) is H = 25 meters above the pump. The dynamic viscosity of cruid oil is 310^-2 Pas. The density of oil is 900kg/ m^3. use g = 10m/s^2

a. calcualte the mean velocity of the flow at the discharge pointb (2) assuming that Re < 2300

b. Calculate Re and verify that it's smaller than 2300, if it's not, explain what you should do. Will you expect to get a bigger or smaleer final velocity that the one calculated in ac), explain?

c. How much time will it take to transport the equivalent of a barrel (0.159m^3) through the pipeline?

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Mechanical Engineering: Calculate mean velocity of the flow at the discharge point
Reference No:- TGS0730245

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