
C problem nbsp hi there nbspi am having problems figuring

C++ problem.   Hi there,  I am having problems figuring out my lnk2019 error. below is my code.  I am using visual studio 2012 premium.

// Week 5 Assignment-1
// Description: correct 8 errors

//**begin #include files************
#include // provides access to cin and cout

#include // provides access to time() for srand()
//--end of #include files-----------

using namespace std;

//**begin function prototypes*******
double func1( int[]);
bool func2();
int func3();
//--end of function prototypes------

//**begin global constants**********
const int ArraySize = 10;
//--end of global constants---------

//**begin main program**************
int main()
// seed random number generator
// create and initialize variables
string myString;
int myInt;
//bool myBool;
int myIntArray[ArraySize];

// initialize the array with random numbers 1-100
for (int &i:myIntArray)
i = (rand()%100) + 1;
// calling the functions
for (int i = 0; i {
myInt = func1( myIntArray);
cout }
cout for (int i = 0; i {
int ranNum = (rand()%3);
cout }
// Wait for user input to close program when debugging.
return 0;
//--end of main program-------------

//**begin function definitions******
double func1()
return int (rand()%ArraySize);

bool func2()
return rand()%2?true:false;

string func3( int anInt)
switch (anInt)
case 0:
return "ZERO.";
case 1:
return "ONE.";
case 2:
return "TWO.";
return "Not Found.";
//--end of function definitions------

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Basic Computer Science: C problem nbsp hi there nbspi am having problems figuring
Reference No:- TGS01181911

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