
C function to create an ordered linked list

Question 1)a) Write the algorithm to convert a given infix expression to its postfix form.

b) Covert the following expression to its postfix form using the above algorithm.


Question 2)a) Describe the problems associated with linear queue and also state the solutions to the problem.

b) Write C functions to perform the following operations on a circular queue( using arrays):

1. Insert from rear end.

2. Delete from front end.

Question 3)a) Write the c function to create an ordered linked list.

b) Write the recursive function to compute GCD of two numbers.

c) Write the algorithm to perform evaluation of an postfix expression.

Question 4)a) Write a program to add two long positive integers (length of two integers need not be same and can be of any length) using singly linked list. Write functions to perform the following:

i) Reading an long integer.

ii) Addition of long integers.

iii) Display the long integer.

b) Describe the following terms associated with trees with an example for each.

i) Depth of the tree

ii) Binary search tree

iii) Almost Complete binary tree

iv) Strictly binary tree

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Data Structure & Algorithms: C function to create an ordered linked list
Reference No:- TGS06553

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