
C as a minimum your answer should include a break down of

Question 1.

Discuss Russian organized crime in the U.S. As a minimum, your answer should include a break down of the "typical" Russian organized crime member and what you propose the U.S. can and should do to counter this very real and significant organized crime threat. Thoroughly support your comments with referenced data and or referenced real life examples (please no opinions only, in this graduate class).

Question 2.

Report what your research and this weeks readings tell us about the "Yakuza". A well-written post will include discussions of (a) background, (b) rituals, and (c) relationship with the police. Also as part of your response provide your personal assessment (with referenced support) as to whether or not the Yakuza has a largely positive and or negative impact on Japanese society. Thoroughly defend you view.

Note: Each Forum question response should be "minimum" of 500 words of content (does not count references and or restating a question) and include "at least" two different and properly referenced sources, in accordance with APA 6th edition, for full credit. Please see the syllabus for what constitutes a "substantive" response.

Within your post, place the first Forum response on top of the second, i.e., both Forum question responses should be in the same post within the Forum.

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Dissertation: C as a minimum your answer should include a break down of
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