a) What was the relative endowment of skilled to unskilled workers (S/U) in 2005? Use the following equation to then solve for ws/wu as implied by observed endowments when we do not take the factor content of trade into account?
ws/wu = (Scan/Ucan)-0.5
b) Define exports from country c to country d in industry j as Xjc,d. In addition, define the unit input requirement for factor f in the production of good j in country c as acf,j. The net (exports-imports) factor f content of trade for Canada can then be defined as follows
Fcanf = [Σj(af,jcanXjcan,world)] - [Σd,j(adf,jd, Xjd,can)]
where f indexes factors, j indexes industries and d indexes source countries.
What was the skilled labor factor content of net (exports-imports) trade for Canada in 2005? What was the unskilled labor factor content of net (exports-imports) trade for Canada in 2005?
c) Define the "factor content of trade adjusted endowment" of each factor in Canada as
S~can = Scan - FsCan
U~can = Ucan - FuCan
Use the following equation to solve for relative wages taking the factor content of trade into account
ws/wu = (Scan/Ucan)-0.5
By what proportion does the skill premium increase or decrease when we take trade into account?
Attachment:- Canadian Trade.rar