A printed circuit board manufacturing plant is discharging thechemical 1,1,1-trichloroethane into a river that subsequently flowsinto a lake, the source of drinking water for a small town. thelevels of TCA in this lake currently fail to meet drinking waterobjectives of 10ppb. by assuming that the lake is a well mixedsystem, that concentrations are at steady state and the only processes acting onthis chemical in the lake are volatization and biodegredation, howhigh can the influent concentration of TCA be at the point wherethe river enters?
given data:
TCA volatization rate= 3×10^-4 ug/(cm^2sec)
TCA biodeg. rate= 6×10^-3 uM/day
river inflow= 200gal/min
river outflow=200gal/min
lake volume= 1.5×10^6 gal
avg. lake depth=10ft