
Buy a magazine or look through one that you have recently

Magazine Analysis Activity

Buy a magazine (or look through one that you have recently purchased). 

Attach a photo of the magazine that you are analyzing with your name and the date also in the photo.

Please do not analyze Maxim or GQ. There are plagiarized essays on Naver.com analyzing these two. Thank you.

Please answer each question individually (1-5) not in essay form.

1. What magazine did you buy and why?

2. What is the magazine's purpose and what are the values it promotes?

3. Who does the magazine target (demographics & psychographics)?

Do some research for question #3.  I subscribe to Sunset magazine.  I put "Sunset magazine target market" into Google and I found all of this wonderful target market info: https://www.sunset.com/static/generic/2015_Sunset_Media_Kit_011415.pdf (Please include the links where you find target market info.)

4. What percentage of the magazine is dedicated to advertising?

5. Would you buy this magazine again? Why or why not?

(250 minimum word count)

Place your word count in parenthesis at the end of your response

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Dissertation: Buy a magazine or look through one that you have recently
Reference No:- TGS01404307

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