
Busn222 - discuss leases and lease negotiations and what

After completion of the required readings for this week, answer the following:

- Discuss leases and lease negotiations and what the Property Manager's role is in writing and negotiation of leases.

- How are leases renewed or terminated?

- What are some special terms (addendums beyond the scope of the standard lease) that would be negotiated when leasing office space? (e.g. a build out allowance might be one).

- Tenants are important to a property; discuss how to build a relationship between tenant and Property Manager in maintaining a lease.

- What are some of the reasons that a lease would be a superior option to purchasing a property?

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions.

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Business Management: Busn222 - discuss leases and lease negotiations and what
Reference No:- TGS01413623

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In this assignment we have discussed about lease agreement and it's factors. We also addressed roles and responsibility of project manager in managing tenants. Moreover we have focused on how lease negotiations should be done.

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