
Busn20017 effective business communications timely

Assessment: Written Report and Oral Presentation

General Description:

This assessment is worth 40 points and accounts for 40% of your final grade. The assessment is due in Week 8 on Friday 8th September, 5.00 pm

The reports must be 2500 words in length. Two points will be deducted for those essays that are over or under by 200 words.

There is a late deduction of 2 points per day after the due date.

The report must include a cover page that contains your name, student number, resident campus, assessment title and lecturer.

The report must conform to the APA style guide.

At the time of submission you will submit both your report and your PowerPoint slides. You will receive the same score as your group members for the written report. The presentation is marked based upon your individual contribution.

Task description: In this assessment you will both write a report based upon the following case study and then present an oral presentation either during the lecture or tutorial. You will be assigned into a group of three by the lecturer/tutor. The flex students will present using Zoom. The presentation must be 15 minutes in length. All group members must present one part of the presentation.

Case study:

A multi-national organisation operates in various countries including Australia, Vietnam, India, Oman, and Nigeria. The organisation manufactures and distributes agricultural equipment's to local and international clients. In total the organisation has 8,000 employees in five countries and more than 1 million customers worldwide. The head office is based in Australia. In recent years the organisation is facing a number of communication challenges. They include:

- Timely communication to all staff and clients

- Communication breakdown from top management to staff in the front line and vice versa

- Feedback from clients on ways to improve product quality and service delivery

- Issues around local language

- Cross cultural issues in different contexts

- Limited development in digital literacy in some countries and use of social media in communication

Your manager has asked you to develop strategies to improve communication at all level. The manager has directed you to suggest strategies that has proven to work well in large multinational organisations. You are required to undertake the following:

- Prepare a written report

- Benchmark what other multinational organisations are doing to improve workplace communication. This could be done be reviewing literature of successful case studies available

- Identify the strategies the organisation could use to address each of the above five challenges

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Project Management: Busn20017 effective business communications timely
Reference No:- TGS02408111

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