
Businessit analysis

Business/IT Analysis Report:

Each individual prepares a real business situation. You may select a situation that you used to come across in your organization or from your personal contacts with profit or not-for-profit businesses. A 'situation' refers to an observable event that is found to be problematic. This situation should not be something fictitious or derived from a case study. It should not be the conclusion drawn by yourself or someone in your organization. It must be a real phenomenon that you have heard or experienced and has a negative impact on the goals of business, which needs to be resolved.

The situation should not be longer than 1 page, single space (~400 words). You should provide sufficient background of the organization and its problematic circumstances that interrupts the business operations or prevents the organization to achieve its goals.

** I work in a bank where our processes are highly regulated by the OCC and Federal Government so the business process to be analyzed has to be related to a process used in the bank**

Examples of Business Situations 

A local video rental business currently has three stores located in three different areas in Springfield, IL. The first time customer who wants to rent a video or game has to provide a name, address, and phone number. The customer has to return that video or game at the same store that (s)he has rented from. When the same customer walks into another store (in the same chain), (s)he needs to supply the same information to open a new account at that store. This is inconvenience for many customers who want to receive faster service. Many have left to another nation-wide chain video rental business where they can conveniently rent videos or games at any of the chain stores with only one membership card although the rental price is slightly higher.

The local video rental business has not only lost its customers but also lost its revenues from late return fines. A customer can still check out videos from one store when simultaneously owe late return fines at another store (in the same chain). The store clerk who releases the videos can't see transactions of the same customer at another store.

Currently, the business advertises only in a newspaper. Promotions and discounts are offered occasionally when the owner feels that the business is going slow. The owner believes in promoting education among young children; therefore, some kid videos cost nothing to rent when the parents rent another video at a regular price. However, this has never been advertised. Many parents in town still don't know about this offer.

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Business Management: Businessit analysis
Reference No:- TGS0770487

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