
Business to business or business to consumer

Select a small firm of your choice in the business to business or business to consumer sectors' that has been trading for no more than 10 years and present it as a business case study in written report format. Cover the history of the business, the nature of the business, the main target markets served by the business, the objectives set for the next five years, the original vision and mission set for the new venture by the entrepreneur and evaluate and comment on whether the original vision and mission set at the start-up stage have been met and /or adhered to. Use analytical frameworks in your work.

Using the case study you have constructed from the above task as a vehicle for discussion and analysis and using appropriate evaluative frameworks critically appraise and discuss the organisation's approach to pricing. Suggest how a more entrepreneurial approach to pricing might be used by management to improve profit margins, cash flow and the reputational marketing of the firm. Present your suggestions and recommendations in the form of 24 months business plan for pricing strategy objectives, targets and implementation. Use analytical frameworks in your work.

Total 2,000 words - 100% of the available marks for assignment 1 - present in report format)
• Use a specific small firm venture and develop this venture as a short CASE STUDY (500 words). Cover the history, nature of the business, target markets, the objectives, vision and mission set for the new venture. Evaluation and comments on whether the original vision and mission set at the start-up stage have been met and /or adhered to. Use of analytical frameworks in the work.

• Students' should use the business start-up case developed in the first part of assignment 1 in considering the use of pricing within the firm in the rest of the assignment.

• Critical analysis and imaginative entrepreneurially based suggestions and recommendations for future pricing improvements together with a clear rationale and justification.

• Demonstrating and employing your knowledge of entrepreneurship and your entrepreneurial skills developed on the course within the assignment.

• Demonstrate a good grasp of entrepreneurial theory and practice in the construction and content of the business report on achieving improved entrepreneurial pricing strategies to improve cash flow, profit margins and the reputational marketing of the enterprise.

• Conceptual models and academic frameworks should be used to support the points made in the report where appropriate.
• Write in report format and produce a case study and management report of professional quality in terms of content, structure and standard of presentation.
Please ensure that your assignment has:

  • A table of contents
  • A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate
  • Introduction/ Executive summary
  • Literature Review- and Critical Analysis
  • Conclusions
  • References / Presentation
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices if appropriate
  • TOTAL = 2,000 WORDS

Using the case study for the start up company developed and discussed in assignment , critically evaluate how the firm collects and uses information. having appraised the firm's information gathering and utilisation capability put forward entreprenuerial suggestion as to how management might be able to improve the marketing intelligence and insight position of the firm. take the budget and other constraints into consideration. put your suggestion in the form of a management report to be discussed by senior staff. use examples of entreprenuerial market intelligence and insight work in your work and use the case study as a vehicle of discussion. (2000 words). Present in report format.
Guidelines for assignment 2.
. Critically analysis and imaginative entrepreneurially based suggestion and recommendations for future market intelligence and insight improvement together with a clear rationale and justification.
.Taking budget and other constraints often faced by a small firm into account when making suggestion and recommendations for improving the research and intelligence capability of the enterprise.
.Demonstrate and employing knownledge of entrepreneurship and your entreprenuerial skills developed on the course within the assignment.
.Conceptual models and academic framework should be used to support the points made in the report where appropriate.
.Produce a management report on proposals to improve the marketing intelligence capability of the enterprise of professional quality in terms of content, structure and standard of presentation.


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Physics: Business to business or business to consumer
Reference No:- TGS0916436

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