
Business systems planning-application for organization

The assisgnment is allo about the topic - Systems Planning which have to be completed in around 1200 words excluding the reference list.

You have been hired as an Information Systems consultant to examine My Health  Centre, a fictitious State Government Hospital, with about 20 specialists. My State Hospital offers diabetic services to general public in the state. The services include  initial screening, ongoing diagnosis and periodical treatment. The costs are recovered through the State Government subsidy provided.
The Hospital is modern and comes with the state-of-the-art technology infrastructure,  including limited wireless systems. The registrar, who is responsible for all patient safety and service quality affairs wanted to revise the IT infrastructure, especially  interested in the access to all hospital services available from their existing HIS through mobile devices and tablets inside and beyond the Hospital.
Your task is to develop a Business Systems Planning document with full justification  as to how these are applicable for the organisation. Your planning document must determine how best to accommodate smart handheld devices to access various  services provided by the Hospital through its HIS. Your task is to come with a planning document as to how a smart handheld devices system can be implemented as an effective interface to the HIS in order to improve the business processes. You  can include any logical assumptions made with critical analysis however these must  be clearly stated. You MUST also address the following:
Any potential customer of My State Hospital can securely access all  relevant information pertaining to services offered using a variety of smart handheld devices.
The planning should involve provision for security, privacy and other  end user concerns with using smart handheld devices, along with
appropriate justification.
Your planning document should discuss various technical options  available for the new interface (data, integration, application, security,
collaboration, network and systems management), along with  appropriate justification.
The planning document should involve consideration for various  interfaces (native or SDK) for mobile applications (e.g. Apple App
Store, Android Google Store or HTML5 web format).
The planning document should also include a high level business  benefits and budget outlining a provisional list of expense items, along
with appropriate justification.
The planning document should enlist a number of key recommendations  for the implementation of the mobile interface to the HIS.
You don’t have to provide a costing plan now, as this will be done in the second assignment.
Include a recommendation on how change will be managed and the  adoption of the new capabilities will be promoted and monitored
You will prepare a planning document with an executive summary on how the above  aspects can be accommodated. The planning document is a simple report but covering all aspects stated above in a succinct manner. You have been a given a word limit of  1200 words (excluding references, tables and diagrams). You can use any style for business report writing as long as the report is professional and presentable.

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Computer Networking: Business systems planning-application for organization
Reference No:- TGS01238458

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