
Business research and research process

Question 1: For each of the condition below, decide whether the research should be exploratory, descriptive or the causal:

a) Establishing the functional relationship between sales and advertising.
b) Investigating reactions to the idea of a new technique of defense budgeting.
c) Recognizing target-market demographics for a shopping center.
d) Estimating stock prices for IBM 2-years in the future.
e) Learning how many organizations are actively included in just-in-time production.
f) Learning the extent of job satisfaction in a company.

Question 2: Explain a research condition which permits one to infer causality.

Question 3: A researcher is interested in knowing the answer to a why question, however doesn’t know what sort of answer will be satisfying. Is this descriptive, exploratory or causal research? Illustrate.

Question 4: Explain the method of business research.

Question 5: Do the phases in the research process follow the scientific method?

Question 6: In the research process, why is the problem definition phase probably the most significant phase?

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Business Management: Business research and research process
Reference No:- TGS07823

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