
Business rationale for diversity management

The business rationale for diversity management:

Read through the business rationale for diversity management and the debates surrounding this using the information and at least 5 additional academic sources. Then, answer these two questions.

1. Are you convinced by the business rationale argument for diversity management, despite the limitations raised by Agrawal and D’Netto et al? Or, would you say that the business rationale argument is too narrow? Support your argument using relevant sources.

2. Should recruitment and selection processes be used to embrace diversity in the workplace? Why or why not? If yes, how? Support your argument using relevant sources.This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of the following learning outcomes in the subject:

• be able to critically analyse and assess recent literature on human resource management, and debate the issues raised;

• be able to evaluate current human resource management practices and draw up well supported recommendations for improvement where necessary;

• be able to apply specialised knowledge of the various roles and functions of human resource management to resolve complex issues associated with an organisation's effective utilisation of its human resources.

Use business report format. Use 12 point font size and 1.5 line spacing. The report should have the following structure:

• Title page - showing the subject code and name, your name and student number, the assessment item number and title, and the word count of your report.

• Executive summary

• Introduction

• Discussion – using (sub)headings,sentences, numbered paragraphs

• Conclusion.

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Business Management: Business rationale for diversity management
Reference No:- TGS01239502

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