
business process improvement has become the norm

Business process improvement has become the norm at Tata. It seems that Tata is quite mature in this regard. Refer to "maturity", because it seems that this is an important consideration in business process management (BPM). You have to read an article by Škrinjar and Trkman (2013) that very much applies to a company such as Tata. It applies specifically to process-oriented organizations and how BPM can enhance business-process outcomes with specific emphasis on customer satisfaction. A major consideration is how mature an organisation is, and four levels of maturity (ibid, pp. 49-50) are proposed against which to measure an organisation's maturity in this regard. These are "ad hoc, defined, linked, and integrated". The PMI (2008) follows a similar logic, specifically in terms of project, program, and portfolio process-related maturity growth, but they divide maturity into "standardize, control, measure, and continuously improve" in relation to a large number of best practices from which organisations will select the ones that are most appropriate to them at a given point in time.

How does the Tata Business Excellence Model differentiate between levels of maturity?

What kinds of processes are targeted?

Hhow often are the self-assessments performed, have you experienced any measurable growth in maturity, etc.?

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Business Management: business process improvement has become the norm
Reference No:- TGS0446174

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