
Business process change

1. Provide the name of the organization (this must be a real organization and you may use the organization where you currently work); describe the organization's size and summarize the primary mission of the organization. Don't simply copy from the organization's mission statement.

2. From your research of the organization, identify a single Business Process Change that the organization will need to contemplate and undertake in the coming year. These changes can result from new technologies, economic issues, or changes in the marketplace.

3. Utilizing the Capability Maturing Model (CMM) outline briefly what changes will need to beu ndertaken at each of the 5- stages (pages xxxiii-xxxiv).

4. Evaluate Porter's three-phase process (page 32, figure 2.1) for defining a company strategy and create a simple chart of the recommended change addressing issues in each phase.

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Business Management: Business process change
Reference No:- TGS058950

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