
Business planning process

Question 1: What do you mean by the term business planning process? Describe its steps.

Question 2: How does Environmental Analysis help in search and scanning for the business ideas? How would you go about monitoring and assessing the new products being offered by existing companies? Is this a viable method of generating new ideas? Why or why not.

Question 3: Describe the concept of Business Planning Process.

Question 4: What do you mean by term business idea; describe the Government procedure included in it?

Question 5: Government channelizes the business ideas. Describe the statement.

Question 6: A good Research and development plan help a company to produce new ideas. Describe with illustrations.

Question 7: A young entrepreneur has come out with an idea of manufacturing toilet soap and leaves the target groups of travelers. How would you assess this idea?

Question 8: Describe how consumers and existing companies help in generating business ideas.

Question 9: What are the steps in business start up? Describe with illustrations.

Question 10: What do you mean by business plan? Why it is significant to an entrepreneur, the investor, to customers and to the supplier?

Question 11: One man control is the best in the world if the man is big adequate to control everything. Do you agree? Give some reasons.

Question 12: Explain the contents of a typical E.D.P (Entrepreneurship Development Programmed) and its conduct. Entrepreneurs are born and not trained comment on above with the reference to E.D.P.’s.

Question 13: What do you mean by the term Entrepreneurial Development Program (EDP)? Why these are significant?

Question 14: There is growth of entrepreneurial activity. Do you believe a well defined entrepreneurial career path will emerge? Illustrate your points.

Question 15: Can entrepreneurship be taught in colleges? Describe issues included.

Question 16: Enumerate challenges faced by an entrepreneur in India. Explain your answer with illustrations.

Question 17: What is information needed to make industry analysis in the business plan? Which are sources of such information?

Question 18: Why it is essential to update business plan? Which are factors to be considered in evolving and updating a business plan?

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Business Management: Business planning process
Reference No:- TGS03086

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