
Business owners freedom of expression or religious rights


Part 1

Review the video Christian cake shops vs. same-sex marriage

By William J. Cadigan, CNN

You have the read this short article and then answer in these qustions:

A. In a paragraph explain what you think about this case?

B. Now, answer the following question: Is the business being discriminatory or is it a violation of the business owner's freedom of expression or religious rights?

Part 2

Critical Thinking Questions

1. How in a free society like the U.S., can a small group of people continually control so much of the wealth?

2. Do you think if the people with the wealth, controlled the media, public school systems, and other systems where people gained many of their values and knowledge, the focus could be placed on issues that have nothing to do with gaining wealth?

3. Would it be possible to make certain "minority" groups the focus of society's problems?

4. Could the top pyramiders create (by using the media, etc.) hate amongst the bottom 80% in the pyramid, to keep the attention off them?

5. Can those in the 80 th percentile be so burdened with day to day life that issues like wealth and net income become second place to finding healthy food, transportation to work or school, proper education for their children, a safe place to live (issues that would not be of concern if you had wealth)?

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Business Management: Business owners freedom of expression or religious rights
Reference No:- TGS01862289

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