
Business organization statements

Attempt all the given questions:

Question 1: In brief describe various sources from which companies might raise long term capital.

Question 2: Company form of organization is the most ideal form for all kinds of business. Discuss on it.

Question 3: Differentiate between the given terms:

a) Primary market and Secondary market
b) Public limited company and Co-operative organization

Question 4: Write short notes on the given terms:

a) Listing of a security on a stock exchange.
b) Entrepreneurship and characteristics of an entrepreneur.

Question 5: Comment very briefly on the given statements:

a) There is no element of risk in business.
b) Loans are sanctioned for short term only.
c) There is no difference between the money market and capital market.
d) All the business risks are insurable.

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Other Management: Business organization statements
Reference No:- TGS02260

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